Hotel Information
Check-in/Check-out Policies
This property has the following check-in and check-out times and policies:
Check-In: 3:00 PM
Check-Out: 11:00 AM
Late Check-out Hour: 1:00 PM
Late Check-out Fees: $25.00
Late check-out (after 11:00 AM and before 1:00 PM) may result in a fee.
Property and Cancelation Policies :
Full Charge - Full Deposit - If canceled within 1 days of arrival
Terms and Conditions
Community Policy
Room Rate Payment and Exclusion from Room
All rents are payable by noon on their due date, and late charges are assessed at $25.00 per day beginning on your due date. Check-out time is 12 noon.
We have a strict no refund policy.
Guest acknowledges and agrees that he/she may be denied access to his/her room immediately at the check-out time and/or at the expiration of the time period for which guest has fully paid for occupation of the room, and that owner and management are not required to obtain a court order or to initiate any formal eviction proceeding with the court.
Guest agrees and acknowledges that, in the event guest (or a visitor of guest) refuses to voluntarily vacate the room at check-out time and/or at the expiration of the time period for which guest has fully paid for occupation of the room, guest will be responsible for any and all expenses incurred by owner and/or management in securing possession of the room at the exclusion of guest (or guest or visitor of guest), including but not limited to, attorneys’ fees and costs.
All affiliated properties participate in an 86-list program. If you leave with an outstanding balance, you will be added to this list and will be considered a “non-eligible” customer for all Qubed or affiliated properties until your old balance is current or you enter into a payment agreement plan. The tenant acknowledges that he/she intends to reside at the property for a minimum of 30 days.
A cleaning fee may be assessed as appropriate, which is non-refundable.
There is a $15.00 key fee (non-refundable) for each additional or replacement key. There is a $75.00 lockout fee for any requests for lockout door openings.
All transfers require a $200 non-refundable transfer fee and are subject to an inspection of the current room.
A non-refundable initial pet fee of $150 per pet (depending on the Qubed properties, not all Qubed properties are pet friendly, please check prior to making your reservation) will be assessed, along with weekly rent of $16.03 per week per pet. Guests are responsible for their visitors and children, including financial responsibility for any damages.
A minimum $150.00 pack-out fee will be charged for all pack-outs, and $30.00 per day storage fee will be charged for all stored items if any. All room rates, fees, and other charges are immediately due and owing on their due date or when incurred without any prior notice or demand, therefore.
Guests must submit a security deposit per room at check-in, all or part of which may be returned only after the guest’s check out and after management confirms the guest’s complete compliance with the policies and obligations set forth herein and the room to be in clean and re-rentable condition.
Guests and Visitors
Maximum occupancy in a studio suite is two people, a one-bedroom suite is two people, and a two-bedroom suite is four people. Excessive occupants is cause for immediate “non-eligible” customer/check-out.
All visitors or guests staying longer than 24 hours need to be registered with the office. All adults must supply a valid State/Government issued I.D.
All visitors must be accompanied by a registered guest at all times.
You agree that you are being provided a fully furnished studio suite, which includes furniture and all kitchen appliances.
Liability Waiver: The guest agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the owner and management from any and all damages, losses, claims, causes of action, and expenses (including but not limited to attorneys’ fees and costs) relating or related to or otherwise arising out of, injury to any person or property occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of guest (or a visitor of guest).
Personal Property
Guest acknowledges and agrees that her/she is solely responsible for any personal property, items, or effects (the “Personal Property”) stored within the room or on the property, including that belonging to (or within the possession, custody, or control of) the guest or visitor thereof, and further agrees that owner and management have no liability or responsibility for damage or theft thereof.
Guest agrees to indemnify and hold harmless owner and management from any damage to, or loss of, any Personal Property stored within
the room or on the property, including that belonging to (or within the possession, custody, or control of) the guest or any guest or visitor thereof Guest agrees that (a) he/she is deemed to have abandoned, and waives all right, title, and interest to, any Personal Property left on the property or within the room after guest has vacated the room or management has secured possession of the room at the exclusion of guest,
(b) owner and management may keep, sell or dispose of such Personal Property as it chooses without incurring any liability therefor, and (c) owner and management shall otherwise have a lien any such Personal Property as collateral to secure the guest’s obligations hereunder, giving owner and management all applicable rights and remedies at law (including but not limited to, the Uniform Commercial Code as adopted by the State in which the property is located) and equity.
Use, Maintenance, and Service
Preventative maintenance is performed monthly; notice will be posted the day before. Entrance to rooms is mandatory. In case of emergency, management or maintenance may be required to enter your room immediately without prior notice. Should your room require any maintenance, please contact the office. Normally service is completed within 24 hours.
Utilities: With utilities included in your room rate, it is imperative that guests conserve energy. In that regard, please close all doors and windows when operating your air conditioner or heater and replace the air conditioner/heater filter when dirty. Please turn down A/C and heat and turn off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use and/or when you are not in the unit. If management discovers that your unit has consumed an abnormally high amount of energy (i.e. 10% above average for your unit type), you will be charged for the excessive consumption, which shall be paid and due as “rent” along with the next week’s/month’s (as applicable) rent payment.
Tampering with smoke detectors, fire alarms, or cables is prohibited, and you will be charged for any service calls to repair and/or replace them. No alterations are allowed to the room. Any requests for reasonable accommodation must be submitted to the office for consideration.
You agree to provide property management and/or maintenance entrance to your room at a reasonable time and for all reasonable purposes, including for preventative maintenance. Management and/or maintenance will provide 24-hour notice of entry to the room, except in case of emergency.
Help keep the landscape beautiful; KEEP OFF THE GRASS!
No guest may disturb or harass management or other guests of the property, and/or disrupt other guest’s occupation of another room of the property, and guest acknowledges that the hours of 10pm to 8am have been designated as “Quiet Hours” at the property, requiring noise be kept to a minimum.
Guest acknowledges and agrees that he/she is responsible for any damage he/she causes to his/her room or the property.
Pools,Spas, Laundry Facilities, and other common areas
There is no swimming when the pool is closed – please review pool hours. Proper swimming attire is required, no cut offs, jeans, or t-shirts. A parent or legal guardian must accompany persons under 18 while in the pool area. NO ONE under 18 is allowed in the spa at any time. Registered guests may be responsible for no more than two visitors and must accompany them at all times. Qubed is NOT responsible for any injuries which maybe caused at the pool area, SWIM at your OWN RISK.
Courtesy Patrol and Parking
Vehicles lacking current registration or parked illegally in a red zone or handicap space will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Vehicle repairs are not permitted anywhere on the property.
Vehicles must be in good condition and cannot be stored. Vehicles that are in disrepair and/or not moved on a regular basis will be towed.
Pet Policies/Rules *Depending on the QUBED property, please checkwith the property prior to making reservations.**WEIGHT AND BREED RESTRICTIONS APPLY!!!!
Pet disclosure is mandatory and must be approved by the Property Manager.
Pet rules and fees apply regardless of whether the pet belongs to a registered Tenant, exists at move in, or is housed thereafter.
All pets by law must be licensed & registered (in the jurisdiction they reside) and spayed/neutered by 4 months of age if living in Clark County, Las Vegas, N. Las Vegas, and Henderson.
All pets must be secured on a leash outside of your Apartment, and are not allowed in pool, spa, laundry or office areas. A failure to do so shall result in a $25.00 fee to the Tenant housing the pet in question. Help keep our grounds beautiful. Please use designated pet areas.
The maximum number of pets per Apartment is either one dog and one cat, or two cats. TWO DOGS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN ANY ONE UNIT AT ANY TIME. WEIGHT AND BREED RESTRICTIONS APPLY.
Pets that exhibit any aggressive behaviors toward tenants or tenants’ pets will be removed by Animal Control immediately.
Pet owners are responsible for picking up after their pets both inside and outside the Apartment. A failure to do so shall result in a $25.00 fee to the Tenant housing the pet in question and may result in eviction.
Safety Policies
This is private property intended for use by registered guests.
There is no illegal activity permitted at any time. Please notify the office if you notice any suspicious activity on property. Registered guests hereby acknowledge that it is a misdemeanor to commit or maintain a public nuisance as or to allow any building or boat to be used for a public nuisance. Any person, who willfully refuses to remove such a nuisance when there is a legal duty to do so, is guilty of a misdemeanor. A public nuisance may be reported to the local sheriff’s department. A violation of a building, health or safety codes or regulations may be reported to the government entity in our local area such as the code enforcement division of the county/city government or the local health or building departments.
This is private property: firearms are not permitted in public view and loitering is not allowed. Do not congregate on the stairways or balconies. Children under 14 yrs. old must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian at all times. A 9 p.m. curfew exists for anyone under the age of 18. Walkways and decks must be clear of any personal property; bicycles, grills, etc. cannot be secured to the railings or any outside structure.
Blankets and foil are not allowed in windows, and skateboards, roller blades, scooters, and bicycles are not permitted on any walkway, sidewalk or near parked vehicles.
Fire codes prohibit barbecuing except in the designated BBQ areas. No personal barbecues are allowed. Guests must wear shoes at all times when outside of their room.
Guests acknowledge and agrees that management may run background checks on guests prior to check-in.
We accept Credit card – Mastercard/Discovery and Visa